Tips for curved pieceing...

from experience!!

  • pulling the fabric to make it work doesn't always help....stretched fabric is harder to work with
  • go S.L.O.W!!!
  • just beause the first one worked out doesn't mean the next one will
  • puckers add character (!!)
  • use small stiches but not too small because there will be unpicking
  • fudge it as best you can
  • don't get cocky - see second point
  • a good iorn will hide a multitude of sins
  • don't do these when you are tired - they look worse when you get up in morning
  • when pinning don't make puckers
  • don'tgive up easily - walk away and then come back and try again
  • when admiring you work stand back form it and don't use a maginifying glass
  • make sure the templates are the right way up!!
  • leaving the needle down and lifting the presser foot to re-arrange the fabric underneath is allowed and it works wonders
  • cheer yourself up with a little 'yessssssss' everytime you get a seam right - it amuses your husband
  • don't get cocky - did I ready mention that!?!?


Belinda said…
haha I love your tips, I could have used some of them while learning to quilt. :D

But your centre piece looks FANTASTIC. Worth all the hard work and learning curve.
Emma said…
I can just picture you working these out in your head as you pieced the last few! I can't wait to add my border to ths, and have one perfect fabric in my stash already!
Helen said…
PMSL AJ! Oh yes, pucker adds character!
Lily Mulholland said…
AJ it's an absolute KNOCKOUT. Quite possibly the most beautiful centrepiece I have ever seen. Love your 'lessons learned' :)
Unknown said…
That is absolutely amazing and beautiful! Well done!

thanks for the tips too, although I am not sure if I will ever be brave enough to try them.
thehummingcat said…
Wow that looks good! Very impressive!
AJ said…
You are right Emma...I was actually taking notes!! LOL

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