{three} Cousins

I remember when I was growing up, going on holidays with my cousins and having the best time. Hopefully Aden and his cousins will grow up with lots of happy memories playing together.

We rent and the backyard could really do with some shade and some trees....there was a great climbing tree in the today park.....and it is a definite on my list when we buy a place of our own....must have trees that you can climb!


Do you let your kids climb trees or do you think it is too dangerous??

Don't forget to leave a comment on my first Blogtoberfest post here to enter the giveaway and comment on any other post in October to get an extra entry!


Unknown said…
Climb, climb and more climb here. Kids need to be kids and it's so good for their gross motor. Mind you, I often turn my back - way too scary to watch!
Bron said…
Trees are good so is climbing them with cousins. xx
Gill said…
Keep climbing!
My children still climb trees and my youngest is 18!!
Milly said…
Yep, they climb trees. Although sadly there are none they can climb in our yard. But they do at the park.
Sallie said…
I let mine climb trees.

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