{twelve}Hubby Hobby

Hubby has a hobby....with a renewed passion just found this last week. 

Such a lovely exticting range of colours to work with....not!!

Of course the boy is keen to help.... not sure his father is as keen!
Does your other half have a hobby?? Does it cost as much as yours??


LittleWhiteDove said…
My husband likes model boat building, but he is frustrated at the minute because he has several major issues with the kit he's been working on, so Santa is bringing him a new one ;) he has also mentioned that model railway building looks like fun and HOLY MOLY is it exxy!
Unknown said…
Fishing - in the boat or off the kayak. I don't ask how much he spends on rods and lures(or fuel) and he doesn't ask how much I spend on fabric! It also means he disappears for hours on end meaning I can sew guilt free!
Car said…
Vintage boat + vintage car(s) - not to mention his guitars ;) really my crafty pursuits have nothing on him!
Julia said…
Um, my hobby (knitting) has definitely cost more over the last couple of years than my husband has spent on bits for his bike or tennis *blush*

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