WIP progress...slow progress

I think this is the oldest WIP in my list...and the one I need finished first! The blocks have been sitting complet for a very long time and I even trimmed them ready to sash....that took a very short amount of time yesterday and then I sandwiached it and have moved onto the quilting. So far I have just ditched inside the white on each block...now I need to decide how to quilt the white around each things....hummm suggestions??

I'll do a post on the last day of each month with links to all the other finished WIP's for that month....only 8 days left to finish something in January!


Emma said…
I'd quilt in the ditch around the applique, then fill the white with a medium stipple - nothing too dense, or it won't be even across the quilt. That's assuming you'll do somethign of similar density in the sashing, too. Then I'd use matching threads to quilt some of the structural lines on the applique in the bigger areas.
MIL said…
Is this the quilt I think it is?
I can remember you receiving some of the blocks. (It is the short term memory one looses first with old age isn't it?)
Look forward to seeing it finally finished.
Copper Patch said…
Did you applique the images or is it a panel. I love it. The dark sashing was a great choice.
Ps. Did you get my parcel?
Copper Patch said…
OOPS!!! Just scrolled down and saw your post. Silly me.
Glad you received it.
Oh and I have another finish so two for January - better than I thought!!!
Blogging it this evening.

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