My Little Aussie!

I'm a big late in wishing you a 'Happy Australia Day' but things got kinda busy around here going back to work/school last week. We are already in week 2 and I'm totally under the pump!

Here is my sweet little Aussie Kid...who now hates having his photo taken :(

He got his first 'tatoo' on Australia Day from the kind man at Officeworks.....he kept walking around with his arm held out and was quite upset when it got wet in the shower.

I really hope this is the only kind of tattoo Aden will ever get...I'm not a big fan of them...but I guess one day he will get to make his own decision in life....I'm just not ready for that yet!

Happy Australia Day everyone...hope you had a great day (despite the rain around here!)
And Congratulations to Geoffrey Rush for being named Australian of the year. Did you know he is a Queenslander and was born just an hour up the road from us!


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