Finished WIP's for January

As January draws to a close I've started thinking about gathering all those finished projects into one post to help me keep track of who finishes what. I thought I would be in for a long night of picture saving and link gathering when the brilliant Becky sugessted a Linky tool! Of course! Why didn't I think of that!

So while I struggle to finish my WIP for this month (I think I re-threaded my machine over 100 times yesterday!) you girls go ahead and help me out by linking up to your blog posts please. I'll add a link in the side bar so that as I add more blog postes you can still find it....hopefully.

I've left this linky open til the 5th (6th??) of February.

Ps Milly I've done yours as a test....seems to be working!

Thanks everyone for joining in it has been great to see you all motivated!


Becky said…
Thanks AJ :)
MY SPACE said…
I am soooo close but won't get mine done for tomorrow, maybe 2 in Feb!
Milly said…
Great idea. Links are all working from my end. :)
thehummingcat said…
Mine is coming...
princess pudge said…
Thank you for adding me :D
Copper Patch said…
Thanks for adding mine AJ. I have been reading blogs as much as usual because I've been doing this funny thing called sewing... ;o)
Off to make another block now.
Well done to all the Finishers in the first month. Fingers crossed we can all keep it up for the other eleven months!

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