2012 WIP Challenge

So excited about the interest in my '12 WIP's in 2012' Challenge...there has been a lot of chat amongst my blogging and quilting friends on FaceBook....so I thought I'd answer the questions they have raised on here for everyone to see.

Don't forget you need to sign up on the original blog post here to be in the draw and it is also where you will find more infomation.

Q#1 - What is classified as a WIP, only quilts or quilted items, eg wallhangings, table runners and cushions or can Clothes, Crotchet & Knitting be included.

Answer - This WIP challenge is for quilted items. I can knit and I do make clothes (I can't crotchet but I should get my Nana to teach me one day) and I do have project ideas for both knitting and garmet making but no WIPs to really speak of....so I set this challenge up to help me (and my friends!) FINISH my quilted WIPs. So I'm going to stick to those to get tickets for the raffled fabric prize in January 2013. But it shouldn't stop you from working on your own WIP's sewing, knitting or otherwise!

Q#2 - Can finished BOM blocks (say 2 finished for one entry) be counted, given that some BOM blocks can take as long as a basic quilt top to complete.

Answer - No. A 'finish' for this challenge is something that is ready to gift or use. If I counted BOM blocks, then sewing blocks into a quilt top would also have to count as a finish and there are the things (quilt tops) are the ones I'm specifically trying to get finished!

Q#3 - There is no min number of WIP needed to be completed to enter is there, just you only get one entry for each month that you complete something, eg only complete two Wip only two entries, but there is a max of 13 entries (12 mths plus blogging bonus)

Answer - No. No minimum is needed to join in. 1 finish  = one ticket. 2 finishes (in different months) = 2 tickets into the Fabric prize (I'm going to use an actual ticket book!!) So yes 12 entries + blogging bonuses (There will be extra bonus entries throughout the year too!)

Q#4 - As long a quilt needs some work on it before finishing, eg unbound quilt, it counts as a WIP correct?

Answer - Yes! If it isn't ready for gifting or using it counts as a WIP. If it only needs the binding hand-stitched on the back and it was started before today (1st January 2012) then it counts

Here are some of my blogging friends earning themselves an extra ticket!

Humming Cat
Ninny & Maude


Becky said…
Very exciting thanks AJ :)
thehummingcat said…
Thanking you!! I will send you my FQ and a few other things for the winner.
Bec Clarke said…
Oh I am in. I am pretty sure I signed up on the original post.
I am blogging today.
MY SPACE said…
Count me in too, blogging about it now!

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