Self Portrait

Tinniegirl has put out the call for todays post in Blogtoberfest...Self Portrait!!
Then Helen challenged me...can't back out now can I??

I took 22 photos...this was the last one!
I've spent the day traveling into the city and back on a train (1hr+ each way) with a toddler and a pram, then I walked home from the station, 40 mins and the last 10 up a hill!
I'm buggered!!

There is sooo much wrong with this picture I don't even know where to start...maybe it is time to pay a little more attention to myself and my eating habbits!

Don't forget about my little quilt giveaway! Entries open til the end of the month!


Anonymous said…
You look great especially considering all that running around. Gorgeous blue eyes!
Helen said…
Blue eyes, blue tshirt, blue couch! You look great!
Lou said…
Great photo! We are always much harder on ourselves than others are, aren't we? Nice to see you and hope you have a nice relaxing night when your little one is asleep. Lou.
Car said…
Awesome photo, especially after all that running around! I'm living seeing everyones portraits
Cathie said…
you look great! and those amazing blue eyes.
of course you are exhausted, what a day you've had.
I agree with Lou, we are always harder on ourselves & sometimes don't see the good things.
have a good night
I think you look lovely! Blue is your colour and I envy your hair! xox
Photography said…
lol 22 photo's! That sounds like me :-)
you look LoVeLY! Stunning blue eyes! - great top choice to accent!
and after all that chaotic day?!
WoW! to be so young again :)

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