WIP Wednesday

The annual EB Doll Quilt swap is on again!
I re-found a bunch of pink charm squares from a previous swap while sorting out fabric after the move and decided to use those to make this years quilt. Some inspiration from here and I was off!

I was going to do a second cut through them but decided that that would be a bit much for such a small piece of fabric.
I still have to add some borders to it yet...but I'm way ahead of schedule! If my swap partner doesn't like it I know a certain little girl who will be 2 soon that would love it for her dollies!


~LilOlFrankie~ said…
OMG!!! Thats insanely gorgeous! I can't believe how much you've done already, I thought I was doing well with ordering fabric! I Love IT!!!
Anonymous said…
LOVE IT!!!!!
Hmmm....I wonder who the little girl you refer to could be!!!
If it is the one I am thinking of she would love it for her "baby" and her Mum would love it also!
You are so clever with all your beautiful handiwork!!!
Car said…
Love it! & boy you are off to a flying start :)
Helen said…
Looks fantastic AJ! You'll have it finished for next weeks WIP at this rate!

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