
Poor blog...being neglected!

We are settled and unpacked in our new home. The 2 sets of stairs have taken a little getting used to for Aden but we have removed the gates after only 2 weeks and he is handling them like a pro! Only one fall so far, the day to got the keys when there was nothing else in the house to play with!

My sewing room is getting organised and the machines are out of there boxes and the list of things I want to make is growing! I've sorted all my quilting WIP's into one cupboard where I will hopefully head first before starting anything new...wishful thinking I know!

DH is loving his new job and is getting used to the shift work. He hasn't done a night shift yet but will this weekend so that will be new for all of us.

Aden took his first inter-state trip this last weekend for a surprise party for one of my Mum's cousins. We caught up with my cousins (one of whom I hadn't met yet and he turned 5 in May this year!!) and they got to met Aden of course! Aden got to spend some time with his great Nana too. She is a real bargain hunter and scored this little red chair and foot stool from the Op shop!
Aden loves climbing in and out of it!
Aden playing with his second cousins.

There was a bit of an ordeal on the way down as I wanted to print a few (15) photos of Aden's 1st birthday and my younger sister's graduation from the police academy to show my Nan....but to cut a very long story short they weren't ready after waiting an hour so we decided to get them on the way home. The next day they still weren't ready as the machine had broken so we cancelled the order but the point to my story is this...we drove past a sign that said 'quilting fabrics' and just had to stop...despite the fact that it was Father's day and Aden's Daddy was at home waiting to see him (and yes I did get in trouble!!!)

But look what I found Helen!!

A big room filled with Quilting fabrics and notions. 95% of the fabrics are only $11 a metre and the most is $13.20/metre!! Bargain! And the best bit Helen....it is only maybe 20 minutes drive from where you will be at Christmas!! Even if it is over the border!

1/2 metre tone-on-tone brights to add to the stash and a spotty FQ!

Aden is cutting tooth number 11 at the moment and has gone back to 2 day sleeps (Yeah!!) so off to get something done before he wakes!

Edited to add

It is here

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Tweed Heads NSW


Cass said…
Glad you have settled in AJ. Any chance you spotted any Flea Market Fancy or Heather Ross at that shop
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
Oooh where was it AJ?
Car said…
Where is this place aj? Wondering if it would warrant a weekend on the Goldie?
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
ZOMG!!! That's just a regular day trip for me, how exciting!!! I'm so going there in the next few weeks!!!

Car - we could do that in a day, you interested?

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