Spring Flowers

I've always wanted to go to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers so today we did! Aden and I went with my MIL to see all the blooms. They were beautiful and felt very 'spring' despite the cool 13 degree weather! I took heaps of photos...here are a few of my favourites!

We managed to keep Aden's accidental pickings to just 3
Poppies - Wonderland Mix
These flowers just scream Spring..I'd love to do a quilt in these colours

Pansy - Dynamic Strawberry
For some reason this flower really appeals to me. It was my favourite of the day

Tulip - Monet Party Pink

Part of the carnival was a 'Side Show Alley'...Aden's first look at anything like this...he was mesmerised by the noise and colour. He loved watching the kids go on the rides.

The Competition Gardens were beautiful. This one came 2nd in the small garden section...but it was my favourite
Aden found a dog to pat
Arum Lily
Two of the gardens we went to had little bridges....Aden loved trip-tramping over them! He even tried to look for trolls underneath!

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses every now and then!
After a nap in the car on the way home....Aden with his $2 Glow stick from sideshow alley


Emma said…
Great photos! I love the one of Aden smelling the rose!

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