EB Doll Quilt Swap IV

Some flickr favourites for my EB Doll Quilt swappee!!
1. Vintage goodness baby quilt, 2. Heather Ross Doll Quilt Swap, 3. doll quilt quilted!, 4. This made it to Explore! Pink Vintage Tea Towel, 5. vintage pink roses, 6. Shabby Pink Rose Rag Quilt, 7. vintage florals - finished!, 8. my block for Aug, 9. Simple Lattice Quilt Back, 10. Yummy Vintage 50s 60s Pre-Quilted Fabric Bright Pink Roses & Buds with Lime Green, 11. August 27 203, 12. Soiree Bed Quilt, 13. hello kitty mini, 14. Wavy patchwork Quilt., 15. Quilts I'd like to make, 16. hexagon paper piecing

As I do the swapping I know who is making my quilt...and I'd love one in their 'theme' I hope I've captured her and given her some ideas for a quilt for my wall....something different from all the others I have...pink, girly, sweet, vintage, simple, cute...
The last picture in this set...*sigh*....so cute!


Helen said…
I'm sensing a pink theme.....

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