1 Week

Aden's first quilt photo!
Not sure if he liked it!

Not much has happenend in the last day....still sleeping and feeding good...and having whing time for an hour or so a day....at different times...so hard to work out....no set routine yet...it changes all the time!

Mummy's weight:
Aden's wight:


Helen said…
Awwww! Look how tiny he is! He'll be reaching the edge soon enough! And love your feet in the shot! LOL
Cee said…
Yeah he doesn't look overly impressed with his first quilt experience!! :)
Austysmum said…
Quilt looks gorgeous, as does the babe! He looks so tiny on it, it's hard to imagine mine were ever that small. I think Madelyn was the same with her first quilt photo, whicfh is why I wrapped her up and did it again - something about being placed on the floor without a wrapping at this age makes them cringe. I am sure he loves the quilt though - so vibrant, fun and happy. I can see him having lots of great play times on that!
Dad said…
Of course he is not impressed. Men are not interested in quilts!!!!!!!
Put him in the car and he smiles.

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