37 Weeks
I think my belly is really starting to drop this week, even DH noticed it when I gave him a hug good-bye for work this morning.
I had a lovely day to myself today, walking the dog, tidying up around the house, shopping at Spotlight and planning all the things I want to get done before the baby arrives...still a long list...lots of quilts and sewing projects I want to get finished, cleaning and sorting shelves etc.... I wonder if I will get it all done??
The OB's appointment was the same same, BP good, Blood test from last week all good, Baby in the right position, head down a little further. I know I need to go to them just in case but they seem like such a waste of money. Hopefully the Doc gets a midnight call out for the birth so he can earn his money!
I really can't believe we are so close to meeting our little one! I'm not 'over' the pregnancy yet, as most people are suggesting and think I will miss my belly when it is gone. I'm still shocked at how easy it has been.
I'm still waiting on the bedside table for the nursery but thought I'd post some pictures anyway....the before ones are here.....
Rocking Chair in the corner...with the bedside table that needs replacing, filled with bibs, burp cloths, and extra stuff...the Hospital bags packed ready to go...just in case!...and some toys down beside the rocker, that we aren't getting out yet cause there will be no room to put them in the lounge with lots of visitors before Russell arrives!
Other corner....
Shelves with calico boxes...that I'm going to add sea creatures to the front of them with Velcro and possibly the contents named, so we don't have to pull out all of the boxes to find something. Making them pink for a girl (as the room is very 'boyish' at the moment) and blue for a boy!
Teddies, books and special things on the top shelf...like the photo frame from Helen....Teddy's from Mum and a super soft one from a lady at work.

More nappy 'bits' and spare things on the second shelf...clothes sorted into sizes as well as a box for hats/booties/mittens etc on the third shelf....blankets,, sheets, wrap, towels, quilts, etc on the forth shelf.... My favourite box is the booties/hats one...I love little babies in hats and booties!
Toys and the Ergo carrier on the bottom...most from the baby shower haul.
The cot with the nursing pillow (and some toys) in it which will most likely live in the rocking chair.

Cot toys....DH Snoopy he had as a baby...you may remember me 're-dressing' him here in January 2007 in acticipation of a baby that is almost in our arms... 2 1/2 years later.
Change table...with nappy stacker's and buckets in easy reach and nappy 'bits' in the draw.
Mobile that DH picked...
Almost over flowing nappy stackers...sorted to make it easier for those changing Bub!
From the blue stacker = nappies that don't need a cover
From the yellow stacker = nappies that need a cover (mostly prefolds for when bubs is little)
Rocking Chair with nursing pillow....I love multi purpose things. As well as nursing, this will be great for sitting support and tummy time too!
37 weeks!

We had some family maternity photos, including the dog, taken at the beach on Saturday so I will blog them when I get them.
Car capsule going in tomorrow!
Weight: 77.7kg (+12.2kgs!)
I had a lovely day to myself today, walking the dog, tidying up around the house, shopping at Spotlight and planning all the things I want to get done before the baby arrives...still a long list...lots of quilts and sewing projects I want to get finished, cleaning and sorting shelves etc.... I wonder if I will get it all done??
The OB's appointment was the same same, BP good, Blood test from last week all good, Baby in the right position, head down a little further. I know I need to go to them just in case but they seem like such a waste of money. Hopefully the Doc gets a midnight call out for the birth so he can earn his money!
I really can't believe we are so close to meeting our little one! I'm not 'over' the pregnancy yet, as most people are suggesting and think I will miss my belly when it is gone. I'm still shocked at how easy it has been.
I'm still waiting on the bedside table for the nursery but thought I'd post some pictures anyway....the before ones are here.....
Rocking Chair in the corner...with the bedside table that needs replacing, filled with bibs, burp cloths, and extra stuff...the Hospital bags packed ready to go...just in case!...and some toys down beside the rocker, that we aren't getting out yet cause there will be no room to put them in the lounge with lots of visitors before Russell arrives!
Other corner....
Shelves with calico boxes...that I'm going to add sea creatures to the front of them with Velcro and possibly the contents named, so we don't have to pull out all of the boxes to find something. Making them pink for a girl (as the room is very 'boyish' at the moment) and blue for a boy!
Teddies, books and special things on the top shelf...like the photo frame from Helen....Teddy's from Mum and a super soft one from a lady at work.
More nappy 'bits' and spare things on the second shelf...clothes sorted into sizes as well as a box for hats/booties/mittens etc on the third shelf....blankets,, sheets, wrap, towels, quilts, etc on the forth shelf.... My favourite box is the booties/hats one...I love little babies in hats and booties!
Toys and the Ergo carrier on the bottom...most from the baby shower haul.
The cot with the nursing pillow (and some toys) in it which will most likely live in the rocking chair.
Cot toys....DH Snoopy he had as a baby...you may remember me 're-dressing' him here in January 2007 in acticipation of a baby that is almost in our arms... 2 1/2 years later.
Change table...with nappy stacker's and buckets in easy reach and nappy 'bits' in the draw.
Mobile that DH picked...
Almost over flowing nappy stackers...sorted to make it easier for those changing Bub!
From the blue stacker = nappies that don't need a cover
From the yellow stacker = nappies that need a cover (mostly prefolds for when bubs is little)
Rocking Chair with nursing pillow....I love multi purpose things. As well as nursing, this will be great for sitting support and tummy time too!
37 weeks!
We had some family maternity photos, including the dog, taken at the beach on Saturday so I will blog them when I get them.
Car capsule going in tomorrow!
Weight: 77.7kg (+12.2kgs!)
PS Although I've been thinking boy all the way thru (probably due to your bump nickname) all of a sudden I'm thinking girl ;)
BTW where did you get the calico boxes, I need some just like that.
Cas Cas xoxo
PS I was huge with Romily, so don't believe all those people telling you it must be a boy! PMSL!!!