I'm now a housewife!

It is a very strange feeling...not 'working' anymore. People have been telling me that I will still be working...just getting paid less for a more rewarding job!

7 years at the one school, has now come to an end and I start on a whole new way of life. It is very exciting and a little scary at the same time. I think they will miss me...if not all the work I did there but it was nice to leave on a high note and be appreciated for what I did do.


maruvolo@gmail.com said…
Congratulations and I'm sure they will miss you.
Sure it is a little bit frightening, the unknown
always is. You will take to it like a
fish to water and do a great job with
your son. I have been following your
blog and am so happy for you and
your husband. Wishes do come
true , can't wait to see that little one.
T@iy@ said…
Good luck on your new venture in life! It is a bit of a transition, going from working to housewife, but things settle in eventually... :)
Helen said…
Yes, less pay but soooooo worth it! You'll love it!
Kath said…
Congratulations on the start of your new job title!! Personally I think it is the hardest but best job in the world, and by far the most rewarding. You will just love it :)

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