Introducing Aden Henry!

Just some quick snaps to introduce Aden to the world. He was born 24 minutes into the 30 July 2009. He was 53cm long and weighed 4.26kg or 9lb6.


Helen said…
Awwwwwwww! Congrats guys! He is just beautiful! Lovely name, great weight and length!!!!! I'm just so excitied! Congrats!!!!!!!! xx
Becky said…
For some reason I cannot see the photos, but wanted to say a very big CONGRATULATIONS anyway!!

I adore Aden Henry's name :)
Congratulations to AJ and DH on the arrival of Aden Henry!

P/S : I can't see the pics either.
Mands said…
Congratulations AJ! A precious precious bundle - I am so happy for you both xxxx
Marilyn said…
I am so happy for you and
your husband....your wait
is over. Congrats..
Louise said…
Congratulations, it's such wonderful news :)
Mark said…
Coming out of lurkdom to offer up some very heartfelt Congratulations!!!!
I can see the pics now!

Awww, Aden is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations again AJ.
Bec Clarke said…
Oh AJ we are so happy for you and your hubby. Such a special time in your lives and you will never forget it.
Bec & Marcus
Natalie said…
Awww he is just adorable, Congratulations again!
Cass said…
Congratulations AJ
Leah said…
Many congratulations again AJ & Hubby. What a gorgeous name to go with a gorgeous boy :D
Emma said…
Congratulations on your gorgeous boy! Enjoy.
Anonymous said…
Awww, he is beautiful AJ. Well done and congratulations to you and your dh.
What a big boy he is too. Enjoy your babymoon.
Car said…
He's just beautiful AJ

Congratulations once again!
Lily Mulholland said…
He's gorgeous - and BIG!! Well done to the three of you. So glad he's arrived safe and sound at long last. Take it easy, won't you?!
Xena said…
Ever so cute! Even little Jazynthe thinks he is "Sooooo cute, I want to kiss it!"
cas said…
Welcome to the world Aden, great job AJ and DH!!!! So happy for you both. What a great date to be born too!!!! :)

Cas Cas xoxo
thehummingcat said…
Welcome Aden Henry! Best Friend to Nikita and Jester :-)
Kath said…
Congratulations again AJ!! Aden is absolutely gorgeous!! Hope you are recovering well xo
The Calico Cat said…
He's a cutie, my own cutie is Jacob Henry. :o)
Tracey said…
Coming out of my lurkdom to say

Congratulations AJ - well done.

He is just gorgeous. Enjoy!
Aden is stunning. Congratulations, you must be so proud x
Anonymous said…
OH NO! I'm so far behind and look what I missed. Congratulations to you all. He looks gorgeous.

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