41 Weeks

I maganged to squeeze one more week of pregnancy blogging in....not for want of trying but Russell is being stubborn! After 2.5 years he/she is determined to make me wait just a little longer!

I've spent the day relaxing, watching my Mum clean the house (Thanks Mum!!), making home DVD's to clear out space on the video recorder and quilting! So a nice day all round.

The Doc will induce me tomorrow moring with some gels at 7:30am...so I'm hoping for a baby by lunch!

One last pregnancy photo....with the stretch marks that arrived this week!!! EEEKKKKKK!!!!

Weight: 83kg


Xena said…
Good luck AJ! Wil be sending positive vibes for a quick and easy labour.
Marilyn said…
Many good thoughts for a quick and easy delivery.
Just think pretty soon you will be able to hold
that little miracle of life. I am so happy for you
and your husband.
Lily Mulholland said…
Thinking of you AJ. But I did chuckle at the baby by lunch comment. I hope so for your sake, but I reckon it might be a baby by midnight :) Good luck, can't wait to hear your news. 2.5 years is a long time to wait!!!!!
Aunty B said…
Bad luck love... you didn't have your baby by lunch.. Fingers crossed by dinner time now hey?... Love you loads.. Can't wait to meet my new little one.. mwah!! xoxox
Leah said…
I'm thinking of you AJ! Sending happy labour vibes. Much love
Emma said…
I'm going to miss these weekly bump updates! Hopefully it won't be too much longer now. Then we can have weekly baby updates?!

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