40 Weeks
Dear Russell,
Well today is your due date and yet you are still safe and warm in my tummy. We've made it through 40 weeks together. I didn't really expect you to arrive right on time, I suspect you'd like a birthday of your own and not have to share it with your Pa or Aunty Nicole.
Although they say pregnancy can go really quickly yours hasn't, although in a few months of having you here with us it will feel like such a small part of your life. I've cherished everyday that we have had together so far.
I remember exactly where and when it was that I was told that you were on your way and soon to join our family. I took the phone call in the front office at work and it was very difficult to hear the best news in the whole world and not let on to any of the staff standing around me. I wanted your Dad to be the next to hear the news. I rang him as soon as I got back to the classroom. He was just as excited as I was. I only just managed to restrain myself from shouting it from the roof tops! The last hour of work that day felt like it dragged and passed in a blur all at the same time. I don't know how she knew but Mummy's friend Megan rang that very afternoon, just knowing that she had to talk to me....and I of course couldn't keep you to myself any longer! Your Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles were just as excitited as we were and it caused a few tears!
As I sit here in your nursery, ready and waiting for you arrival and feel you wiggling in my tummy, something you do a lot of, I still find it quite surreal to think that in just a matter of days (and no more than a week!) you'll be here with us ready to change our lives forever, for the better.
I swear you are the most eagerly anticipated baby in North Queensland. Your Aunty Bee has rung almost everyday to see if you are here yet. The kids at school helped me count down the weeks and it feels like everyone is on baited breath for your arrival...I know you'll come when your good and ready.
I always knew that one day I'd a Mum. I wasn't quite ready for the seemingly long battle it took to get here but in a way I'm glad it did. I think I've been able to appreciate and treasure the last 40 weeks with you - watching you grow on the ultrasounds, seeing your little alien face at 19 weeks and then feeling you move, kick and interact with your Dad and I as we rub my tummy or push on your feet or bottom, which ever is jammed into my ribs the hardest - more than I would have if it had been an easy thing to fall pregnant.
I honestly didn't expect pregnancy to be this easy, you really have been very kind to your Mummy and for that I thank you. There has been rarely a blip of complaint or an ounce of medical issues and for that I am truly grateful.
So my bags are packed, your bag is packed, your cot is made up and the nappies are washed. All I need now is you my little one, one tiny little perfect baby to make my life so fulfilled it will feel like I'm ready to burst. I can't wait to start on this next journey with you into motherhood. I do hope you will forgive me for the mistakes I'll make along the way, the ups and downs of a very steep learning curve and the ins and outs of experiencing new things together. I promise you I will be the very best Mummy I can be.
See you soon little one,
Love Mummy

Weight: 82.3kg
Waist: 114cm
Well today is your due date and yet you are still safe and warm in my tummy. We've made it through 40 weeks together. I didn't really expect you to arrive right on time, I suspect you'd like a birthday of your own and not have to share it with your Pa or Aunty Nicole.
Although they say pregnancy can go really quickly yours hasn't, although in a few months of having you here with us it will feel like such a small part of your life. I've cherished everyday that we have had together so far.
I remember exactly where and when it was that I was told that you were on your way and soon to join our family. I took the phone call in the front office at work and it was very difficult to hear the best news in the whole world and not let on to any of the staff standing around me. I wanted your Dad to be the next to hear the news. I rang him as soon as I got back to the classroom. He was just as excited as I was. I only just managed to restrain myself from shouting it from the roof tops! The last hour of work that day felt like it dragged and passed in a blur all at the same time. I don't know how she knew but Mummy's friend Megan rang that very afternoon, just knowing that she had to talk to me....and I of course couldn't keep you to myself any longer! Your Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles were just as excitited as we were and it caused a few tears!
As I sit here in your nursery, ready and waiting for you arrival and feel you wiggling in my tummy, something you do a lot of, I still find it quite surreal to think that in just a matter of days (and no more than a week!) you'll be here with us ready to change our lives forever, for the better.
I swear you are the most eagerly anticipated baby in North Queensland. Your Aunty Bee has rung almost everyday to see if you are here yet. The kids at school helped me count down the weeks and it feels like everyone is on baited breath for your arrival...I know you'll come when your good and ready.
I always knew that one day I'd a Mum. I wasn't quite ready for the seemingly long battle it took to get here but in a way I'm glad it did. I think I've been able to appreciate and treasure the last 40 weeks with you - watching you grow on the ultrasounds, seeing your little alien face at 19 weeks and then feeling you move, kick and interact with your Dad and I as we rub my tummy or push on your feet or bottom, which ever is jammed into my ribs the hardest - more than I would have if it had been an easy thing to fall pregnant.
I honestly didn't expect pregnancy to be this easy, you really have been very kind to your Mummy and for that I thank you. There has been rarely a blip of complaint or an ounce of medical issues and for that I am truly grateful.
So my bags are packed, your bag is packed, your cot is made up and the nappies are washed. All I need now is you my little one, one tiny little perfect baby to make my life so fulfilled it will feel like I'm ready to burst. I can't wait to start on this next journey with you into motherhood. I do hope you will forgive me for the mistakes I'll make along the way, the ups and downs of a very steep learning curve and the ins and outs of experiencing new things together. I promise you I will be the very best Mummy I can be.
See you soon little one,
Love Mummy
Weight: 82.3kg
Waist: 114cm
I'll be lurking from hospital on my laptop if you haven't gone by Monday when I do!
Hope your feeling ok still?
I am sitting here in tears.....
You are going to be the most wonderful Mummy.
Can't wait to meet your precious little miracle
Love you heaps
x Jodie
Cas Cas xoxo