37 Weeks
I think my belly is really starting to drop this week, even DH noticed it when I gave him a hug good-bye for work this morning. I had a lovely day to myself today, walking the dog, tidying up around the house, shopping at Spotlight and planning all the things I want to get done before the baby arrives...still a long list...lots of quilts and sewing projects I want to get finished, cleaning and sorting shelves etc.... I wonder if I will get it all done?? The OB's appointment was the same same, BP good, Blood test from last week all good, Baby in the right position, head down a little further. I know I need to go to them just in case but they seem like such a waste of money. Hopefully the Doc gets a midnight call out for the birth so he can earn his money! I really can't believe we are so close to meeting our little one! I'm not 'over' the pregnancy yet, as most people are suggesting and think I will miss my belly when it is gone. I'm still shocked at how easy it ...