Stash Sunday

More 'birthday' fabric

Lovely Yellow Leaves by Jan Mullen from Natalie
A bright orange just perfet for what I had in mind from Cylie
Some coloured yellow spots from Joy
and these 'special' fabrics are from Adds....not sure they are really me!! Fluro Aboriginal prints....???


Cylie said…
So glad you liked it. I usually hate orange but fell in love with that one.

Can't wait to see what you do with it.
thehummingcat said…
Aboriginal Fluro print are so noice, do you know how hard it was to scource that fabric??

Helen said…
Ads found that fluro aboriginal print in our Sydney trip! She was so excitited when she found it!! I like the spots, I have that print in blue.
Lily Mulholland said…
LOL - I can't believe Adds found that hideous fabric!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful fabrics!

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