Strawberries and Cream....Finished

I've finished my second quilt for the the same month as the first....I finished hand-stitching the binding down this morning. The dark pink on the binding is what I have used for the backing as cute!!
This is Annaliesa's first quilt but I already have another one being planned in my head....using the michael Miller trucking material that I bought ages ago....just have to make it girly enough....Here is the pile of presents we will be taking down with us next week! As well as the Golden book 'Where do kisses come from?'


Austysmum said…
This is simple but beautiful AJ. So babyish and cute. Looks like you are spoiling her with a nice stash of pressies too!
Lily Mulholland said…
This quilt turned out so cute AJ! And love all the pressie love for Annaliesa :)
Cass said…
Aj this quilt looks lovely. I am sure she is going to be one spoiled niece
Helen said…
Its lovely AJ, very pretty and girly, perfect!
MeganZ said…
This is so lovely! Congratulations!
Anonymous said…
AJ this is gorgeous......
Is there a pattern or have you made it up?
It would be lovely in so many colours.
AJ said… was a pattern...use 24 FQ to make 4 baby is pretty simple though and you could applique something into the middle sqaures if you wanted....let me know if you want the block sizes

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