Round Robin Centre

I liked the patten when I started but had so much trouble with the colours, my curved piecing was terrible and unpicked a dozen times, then it looked OK. The edges were all wonky so I added a border, and then I wanted to make it easier on Joy who will add to it next and decided turn it into a rectangle. It took me three goes ( and wasted material) to get the triangles right and still the edges were terrible. I decided a framing border would look nice so I added one......and now the more I look at it the more I don't like it!!

I'm hoping Emma and then Helen, along with Joy can make me love it again....I'm sure they will!!


Emma said…
Well, I like it. And remember it will look quite different once we've all added our borders! I love that you felt the need to add borders, even though it's goint to get plenty more!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh AJ it looks gorgeous. Can't wait to see what everyone else puts with it. When do you see it again. I'm in one that I won't see 'til Xmas.
Anonymous said…
Looks fantastic, but it plays tricks with my eyes (yes I even put my glasses on).

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