I'm an Aunty!!!

My brother and his partner had a baby girl last night. The first grandchild for our parents.

Hello Aunty Manda & Aunty Cee,
My name is Annaliesa Maree Carter and I can't wait to meet you! I'm missing you already. I was 6 pound 3 ounces and 53 cm long. I was born at 10:27 pm on 21st March 2008. I have VERY big feet and long fingers (Aunty Bee thinks I'm going to be a piano player!) Aren't I CUTE!!! mwah!

I will have to decide which of the pink and white baby quilts to finish before we go to visit.


Helen said…
Congrats Aunty AJ! Being an Aunty is sooooo much fun!
thehummingcat said…
Congrats AJ, she is a beautiful baby! Being an Aunty is so much fun untill your nephew breaks your glasses! ha ha
Anonymous said…
Is it just me but look closely at your Mum in the earlier photo and the new born, the eyes & the nose are a little similar? Better than looking like her Dad (sorry Trent).
Anonymous said…
I think the Strawberries & Cream is the one for our girl!! She's so adorable!! Can't wait to head up to see her!!!
P.S. How aweseome is her middle name!!! :) :) :)
AJ said…
Snaps Cee!!! That's the one A and I picked!! Finishing it now!!

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