Holidays!!! YEAH!!!!

The holidays have finally started after what seems like a mammoth year of ups and downs we are on the down hill slide...

These are the presents the kids gave me...including 7 boxes of chocolates (you may only count 6...wonder where the other one is?!?) and some lovely flowers sent to me by the teacher next door....who left for holidays 4 weeks ago!! NOT FAIR!!!


Emma said…
Nice little haul there! 'Best teacher'??? I bet that one makes you feel great! Enjoy the remaining chocolates!
Shannon said…
AJ, your kids must think so highly of you!! You must be a wonderful teacher to them.

Have a great holiday!!
Leah said…
Holidays! Woo hoo! Enjoy your chocolates - you need a hand to finish them off?
Helen said…
Wow! What a great haul AJ! Well deserved! No FQ's though! LOL
Lily Mulholland said…
Oooh Yum! I second your emotion on holiays! Hooray.

Love the FQs and the booties Joy made - they're gorgeous. And they'll be perfect for when that special day comes.

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