8 weeks

After the last week that seemed to drag this one went really fast...I have a million things to finish and organise before the end of the school year...which, thank goodness, is only 3 more school days away! I have just finshed cutting out and painting a star for the church nativity scene tomorrow...yes it is after 10 I know I should be in bed!

Other than a little tiredness and a few pimples I have nothing to complain about...my belly pain is all gone (mostly..odd twinge here and there) and I'm feeling good. I played my last game of netball tonight....and smashed them...lucky it is only the second grading match of a new season so I don't feel like I am letting the team down too much. Although they are all very supportive of my situation.

I haven't been back to dog training since the egg pick-up...poor Jester dog he is getting sadly neglected a bit lately....it is much too hot to do anything with him and even a short walk at 6pm zapps all my energy.

The other neglection in my life is my poor sewing desk and machine...I haven't sat down at them for weeks!! I have two quilts I want to finish before Christmas day and one of them isn't even started!!! I also must get that last Noah block finished, or at least together so I can take it with me on the train to hand stitch...and now that netball is finished I think I will do a quilting social group on Tuesday nights...I want to learn to hand quilt properly.

Look how much my Hubby has been looking after me...yum!

Weight: 63kgs (-2.5kg from start weight)


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