11 Weeks

I now offically have a foetus.
At this stage all your baby's major organs have formed. The baby's head is still large and measures almost half the total crown to rump length. From this stage onwards the organs will mostly be growing in size and developing so that life outside the womb will eventually be possible. Although your baby has moved on to a new phase of development, the healthy diet and lifestyle you have followed in your pregnancy is still important.

I'm still well and healthy and not tired any more...could have something to do with the amount of sleep I'm getting...I love being on holidays! I'm still eating oranges and weetbix! I am not normally a breakfast person...but getting up at 9am everyday suits me and therefore I have breakfast!

Weight: 63kg (still!)


Lily Mulholland said…
Happy 11 weeks AJ! It's very exciting to see how fast the bubbas grow at this time. Glad to hear you've got some more energy too!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to visit you sis - YAY! Very excited! Do I still get to do the scan thing??? please . . .. Love your oldest sis, Bee xoxo

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