Finish it Fifteen

I'm usually pretty hopeless at these but I thought I'd try anyway!

So the Challenge is #finishitfifteen 
The rules: FINISH Fifteen half started projects in 2015.
The projects can be anything you want.

Car is challenging us to finish 15 projects in 2015. You can join her here . Like Car I have a HUGE mess in my craft room....with bits of everything everywhere. I've started tidying it up and get overwhelmed at everything and don't know where to start!

I've separated my work stuff from my craft stuff and hopefully that will help a bit.

And because I'm clever like that I've already finish a project! I'll share it soon!


Cee said…
Ahahahaha!!! I'm going to attempt to start blogging again!!

I'm also going to attempt Car's 15 challenge...

I have high hopes but not a lot a faith in myself :P

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