{BlogtoberFest13-28} Baby Dino

Okay so technically I made this last month to send to a sweet new babe with his quilt.
But I haven't blogged it yet so it counts for this month right?
Aden saw this sweet little dino on my Pinterest board and asked if he could make one. It is child-friendly-ish but at 4 he is not ready to make things on the machine on his own!
The fabric and ribbons were all his choices though!


 Mummy did the tricky sewing and Aden was able to help with some of the stuffing...truth be told he just liked sword fighting with the knitting needle!

Little dino has been on Kindy visits and sleepovers. A big hit with my dinosaur loving boy!
You can see the ribbons are a bit closer together and a little smaller for the gift version I sent.

Pattern from here


Erin Quinn said…
I really like this little dinosaur. Very effective. I particularly like the dinosaur ribbon :-D
E xx
LittleWhiteDove said…
The dino is much loved!!

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