A big quilting day!

Not only did I finish 1 'Spot' quilt top I finished 2! And 2 lots of binding and 2 lots of backing and I made 2 quilt sandwiches!

Ok so the house is still a mess, nobody ate any real food today just snacks and Aden watched way too many eposides of the Octonauts (the same one on repeat...he loves Orcas) but a had a very busy, tough week at work and I needed some time out doing something I enjoy. I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow when there will be twice as much work to catch up on.....I have very bad quilters guilt at the moment!



Helen said…
Sounds like a perfect day AJ! Never heard of the Octonauts but I have had days where the girls have watched the Wiggles over and over and over again to get through a quilting marathon! Good for you AJ! x

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