Big boy bed!

I ordered Aden's big boy bed on will be here on Thursday if it can get though the floods. We got the 'Evita' teen boy range from Forty Winks. It is hardwood, Tasmanian Oak so it should last him a good long while...I'm hoping he will move out with it in about 16 years!
Image link

Of course he will need a quilt. I currently have one being made through ATB2 with a block swap but it will take a while. So I searched the stash and found some 5" charms in aqua from a swap a few years back. Searched the stash again for some more fabric to go with it and this is what I have.


Which I am making into HST. SO far I have decided on a diamond layout but that could change before I start sewing them together!


Helen said…
Ohhhh very nice! Love the bed! And the blues, very you AJ, this will look great!
Leah said…
Big boy bed? Already? Oh he's growing fast. The quilt looks full of potential :)

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