The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! When I saw is was available in fabric I just had to have some. I share my love of children's books with Megs. And I knew she would just love it too.

Megan and I met in Grade 4 when she moved to my school. And we've been friends ever since. She is one of those people that you can talk to about anything. She is wonderfully genuine, honest, loving and a fabulous person to have standing behind you. Although we went to different high schools, had different groups of friends and haven't lived near each other for the last 10 years...when we get together it is like we saw each other just last week! Our visits are just too far apart but with 4 boys between us to look after sometimes life is just to busy. So when we do catch up it is a wonderful mix of reminiscing, babies (and a passion for baby names), books, husbands, families and current events. The conversation just flows (and is side tracked many times). It is always sad when she leaves.

Today, Megan visited with just the smallest of her boys, baby Jonathan. At just over 4 months old he is pure beauty and perfection, the sweetest little thing! I have made each of her boys a quilt when they were born.
Patrick got this quilt Paddy at 6 weeks

Nathaniel got this quilt Nate at 6 weeks

And today Jonathan got this quilt

Squeak at 18 weeks.

Poor Jonathan had to wait a bit longer for his, as I have my own little boy to take care of this time, but is was so worth it. Megan is in awe or my 'talent' and I love giving her my quilts as she appreciates them so much. This one will be going straight on to the wall in Squeaks nursery. I'm almost sad to see this one go as I love it so much, but I know that Megan and her boys will love it too!

Aden trying to give him is dummy back...after taking it off him!!


Emma said…
Fantastic AJ! I think this is my favourite of all the VHC quilts I've seen. Great quilting, too!
thehummingcat said…
Love it, your pebble quilting is fantastic!!
Lily Mulholland said…
Great job AJ - you worked out how to use all those crazy fabrics together so well!
Shannon said…
I loved the Catepillar book to as a child!

Beautiful quilts as usual AJ!
Helen said…
The label looks great AJ! Your friend is luck to have 3 of your quilts. Lovely work as always. x
Angie said…
Very fun quilt - the fabric is perfect :)
Quiltstory said…
What a good friend! It turned out great, and I just read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to my boys last night :)
Belinda said…
I just found your blog and I wanted to tell you how unbelievable your quilts are! Just beautiful.
Anonymous said…
I just found this- I am trying to use the same fabric for a quilt but having a hard time making it 'work'. Yours looks lovely so I might borrow the wonky log-cabin type thing around the panels as an idea- I hope that us okay! :) Your blog is lovely!

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