Party Invites...

I've spent 4 days making invites for Aden's party...
...a school of fish!

The top bubble is for the persons name, then it reads

..are o 'fish'ally invited.. have a whale of a time...

and then on the back of the fish it reads...

at an Ocean 'One' derland party
to celebrate Aden's 1st birthday!
So swim on over to our house
on ____________________________
from 10am - 2pm
RSVP by ________________
or Mummy will get 'crabby'

They all have a shiny scale on them like the Rainbow Fish
Sorry if I'm spoiling the surprise for anyone...they are in the mail!


Emma said…
Those are seriously impressive invitations! I hope you made one to keep!
Natalie said…
Ooooh those are just the most adorable invitations, love the theme!
Car said…
Very Impressive invites!
Anonymous said…
Wow AJ, they are fabulous!

We did a whale themed beach party for Will's first birthday and it was so much fun. I made the whale cake from the WW cookbook, have you seen it?
It was huge and very blue, LOL, but very easy to make.
have a great party!

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