
Fresh Poppy Design

The lovely Heather and Megan at Quilt Story saw my post about Jack and Samuel's quilts and wanted me to share their story.

We all know (well I do anyway) how difficult it can be to experience infertility....expecially when they are soooo wanted. The pain is even greater when you finally, afer months and years of failure, succed in falling pregnant only to loose the baby before you have even held it in your arms...or in this case; them.

I'm glad I was able to tell my cousin, and her husband, that she is not the only one missing Jack and Samuel today...not the only one crying tears...not the only one wishing there was a different outcome from their births.... not the only one wanting to hold them in our arms...not the only one loving them today.

The direct link to my quilt story is here

Rest in Peace Samuel and Jack...we love you!


~Laurie~ said…
Just read your quilt story - what a wonderful story of love at such a sad time in life's journey. I believe in Heaven and know that parents and children have a chance to live together forever - what a joyful reunion that will be! Thanks for sharing this private story.
Helen said…
A lovely gesture AJ. xx
Car said…
Beautiful AJ

Can you let your cousin know I do think of her often xxx

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