9 Months!
At 9 months Aden is learning and growing beautifully. I'm so proud of my little boy! He * chews his food using his 6 teeth (3 top 3 bottom) * crawls very fast and gets away from Mummy and Daddy and in to mischief very quickly! and loves to follow the cat, who has scratched him twice this month! * knows his name and will follow you if you ask him too * says Mumma, Dadda, Bubba and we think he has been saying 'puppy' * loves to feed himself (and the floor!) favourites include pasta, carrot and zucchni (homegrown by his Nana!) with cream cheese, Baked beans, any sort of youghurt or custard, bananas (of which he can eat a whole one in a matter of minutes shoving huge pieces in his mouth) and apples * tries to eat vegemite toast although most of it ends up squished in his fingers and then thrown on the floor * loves taking a bath and splashing his hands, he also likes to stand up and play with the taps, but he will sit down when you ask him only to stand again, 3 strikes and he ...