Cute as a button!!

I can not resist showing of the lastest pics of my little Niece...rather a grumpy little thing, very hard to get a smile out of her...but the pics are cute anyway. These were taken with my new camera when we were down last weekend!

Annaleisa aged 4 months and 4 days

A half smile
Annaleisa and her Nanny

Finally a smile!!

Check out the quilt she is lying on!!


Emma said…
She obviously just wanted a cuddle from her favourite aunt, instead of seeing her hidden behind the camera!
Lily Mulholland said…
Watch out, for grumpy/serious babies have a tendency to grow into crazy, maniac three year olds! She is very cute Auntie AJ!
Shannon said…
OMG!!!! I have never seen anyone look so cute, while looking so grumpy!
Anonymous said…
That's my girl!!! She frowns just like her Aunty Cee!!

It was great for everyone to catch up!! :)

I'll call you soon i promise!!! :)


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