With a little help from my friends....

What a fabulous place to be. And what made it even better was the beyond fabulous people that were waiting for me when I got there....extra baggage and all.

We were welcomed with open arms to this island getaway for a weekend of relaxing, chatting, eating and just a little bit of crafting.

No Mum I won't get wet!
I can't say enough thanks to my crafting friends who showed love, acceptance and true friendship.
And of course enabling.....after a number of colour shuffles and umming and aring  the rainbow of wool was decided upon.

And then after some more food, laughter and strolling along the beach. I decided to get crafting....well sort of. I got the basics from Kitten and then mulled over it for a while and a while more....
A brithday party, some family time and then it was time to get serious.
I watched this YouTube clip a number of times and read over this blog post a hundred times and then finally I could see some success!

15 mins here and there is all I can manage at the moment, with other busy life stuff. But I am so very much enjoying it....ripping out stitches and all!

I've joined in a Work-In-Progress Wednesday for Aussie Bloggers. Join me...I'd love to see what you've been making!

Little White Dove


~LilOlFrankie~ said…
Can't wait to see your progress AJ, I've taken to trying to teach myself too, so I can have a portable craft :)
Look at you go! ripple ripple ripple!
KittyKat said…
OMG YAY!!!!! Go you! Your ripple looks awesome! ♥♥♥
Car said…
You are welcome 💗 we are just so happy to steal you away for the weekend, excess baggage included!

Now can you PLEASE message me your colours your using because I seriously need to make me a rainbow ripple (in all my spare time!)
Helen said…
Hey AJ, looked like the perfect weekend/ Think I might join WIP Wednesday, sooooo need some sewing motivation at the moment!

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