6 months

Aden Henry you are such a big boy now. I watch you change before my very eyes everyday!

It was just a matter of days between a rolly-polly baby and a crawling boy! That's right at just a few days short of 6 months Aden crawled! It started with comando crawling, at 5.5 months, where he would drag himself along (proving just how very dirty the floors were/are) to get what ever it is that was just out of his reach. His record so far is 13 'crawls' from Daddy to me on the carpet in the lounge. But he doesn't mind crawling on the hard floors either.
It took just over a week for Aden to transition from comando to proper crawling and it was great to see. We could almost hear him thinking, the look of concentration on his face was just precious. His knees would come up to his hands but he just couldn't work out how to take the weight from 2 hands to 1 and when he tried he would nose dive into the floor. He would then revert back to comando crawling for a little while before trying again. He didn't give up! As he gets more tired during the day the comando crawling becomes a quicker option. He has even tried to chase the cat! He was out of the lounge room, under the table and half way down the hallway before he gave up. Noodle was already safely under our bed, but I bet it won't be long before he catches her!
He has also pulled himself to his feet a few times (!!!!) while we have been playing on the floor, he uses me as a climbing mountain!

Last week he was saying 'Daddadada' for a few days but he has now stopped that and hasn't said anything else yet. Nothing recognisable that is...he is quite vocal and more so in public places like the shopping centre, when he is perched up in the trolly looking around.

He still has the two teeth so far and no more are through although there are 2 hard white spots on his bottom gum like last time so they might be through soon. He gets the grizzles sometimes but it is combined with extra dribbling. I hope they don't give him too much trouble!

He is still breastfeed between 5-7 times in 24hrs as well as 3 soild feeds a day (7am 11:30am and 6pm) So far he has had baby rice cereal, pumpkin, potato (not a big fan), parsnip, sweet potato (his favourite), carrot, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, cheese (just a little in the broccoli and caulifower puree) apples, pears, prunes, blueberries, strawberries, banana (hated it), rockmelon (hated it), paw paw (hated it), peaches, and mango (loved it).....I think that is it so far. Next week I'm adding peas, necterines, oats baby cereal (a multigrain one that has banana and apricot mised in) and maybe some meat too.
Last week Aden was eating roughly 120grams at each meal. Breakfast was 15 grams of rice cereal made up with 60ml water and then mixed with roughly 60 grams of fruit puree. Lunch was 120grams of vegies and dinner was either 120 grams of fruit of vegies (what ever I had defrosted).
Just the last two days he has been having twice that! 20grams of rice cereal with 85mls water and 100 grams fruit. Lunch is two serves of veg (different ones as I have them frozen in 120 gram serves) and dinner is one veg, one fruit. I have also got some milk rusks and vege rusks. He has his first one today.
He has also had raw apple pieces that I give him on his high chair tray and he chews on them. I watch him very carefully with these though. And this morning he reached for my toast so I gave him a crust to suck on. That made a big mess and again I had to watch him carefully with the bits that he managed to chew off with his teeth. He is pretty happy when eating...only if you are quick enough with the spoon! If not the crying out starts!
Aden has his first Rusk

He is such a happy social little boy and we love him to bits!

Tummy sleeper

Modeling his Christmas present togs...while watching the cricket!

Swimming in the clam shell in the backyard

1st February 2010
Aden had his 6-month needles today. Given to him by Nanna! MIL was a little bit worried about giving him the needles but Aden was such a good boy and didn't worry too much about them. He was happy to go to Nann for cuddles afterwards too!
The doctor said he is doing well.
Weight = 7.3kgs (dressed with a cloth nappy) 25th percentile
Height = 69cms 75th precentile
HC = 43.5cms 50th percentile


Emma said…
OMG Aden has grown so much, 6 months already and crawling!!!!
He sleeps like my Dominic too with the little bum up in the air LOL!!!!
Bec Clarke said…
Oh he is so cute, I love the pic sitting in the truck.
You must be so happy.
Lily Mulholland said…
Are you besotted or what? LOL. He's gorgeous. Well done mummy!
Oh how he's grown! I just love those blue eyes! He sure is a cutie! I love reading your blog to see all his monthly milestones! Jenn
Cee said…
Oh my baby!! Getting so big!!! Hopefully Aunty Cee will be moving closer soon so she won't have to miss out on seeing you or your mum and dad. Keep your fingers crossed! Miss you little man!!! Love Aunty Cee!!

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