My NEW Overlocker!

My Mummy took me shopping today and bought me a new I just have to work out how to use it...but the shop lady said she will give me free lessons!!! Also found a dress pattern I like today but they had none in the shop so I have ordered it and now need to wait 10 days to get it...oh well....need to shop for some material anyway! I looked today but didn't see anything I loved enough to make a whole dress out of it!

Mum got some material for 4 new shirts so I will help her with those this week and fix A's snoopy...must take some before and after shots. He has had it since he was a tiny it needs lots of repairs...holes mended and the material is all faded so I want to replace it for him (and our children one day too).


Helen said…
Oh AJ, this is one beautiful looking overlocker! You'll have to come and join us in the EB sewing group as well, lots of overlocker chit chat there! :)
AJ said…
I would Helen...but I've got no one to sew for execpt myself...I dod do that....nothing like the cute stuff you make for your kids though!

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