I'm dreaming of a White Christmas

It is sooo stinkin' hot here I'd love to feel a little cooler! And we will come close. Very shortly we will be heading North to enjoy the Winter cold! Can't wait!

In the mean time we have had a very sudden change of plans for Christmas day. With a death in the extended family last week, we decided to stay home and attend the funeral today. Whilst death is very sad it is even worse when there is celebrations happening all around you. I'm terrible at funerals, even though I didn't know her very well, and she was a very sick elderly lady, I get very teary. I think too much about others that have passed and how sad/lost/devastated I would feel losing someone very close to me, mainly my beautiful son and husband and then I cry and cry. I wish those closest to Lyn some peace at her very sad passing. Hold your loved ones close this Christmas Eve.

A change of plans meant a change of menu.....and now we are heading to somewhere different....oh what to bring when you're told not to bring a thing!

I was gifted some White Christmas, by a student at the end of the school year and it was very keenly eaten....mostly by me.... opps! It has been ages since I made White Christmas, I usually make Rocky Road, so off to Pinterest I went!

You can join Miss Dove here if you want to get started on 'making' rather than just pinning!

I found 2 recipes here and here and then decided to make my own version!

White Christmas AJ style!

250gms Copha
1 1/4 cups rice bubbles
1 1/4 cups coconut
100g glace  cherries
handful of sultanas (we didn't have any so I used currents instead but it would be better with sultanas)
1 cup powered milk
50g slithered almonds

Melt the copha. Mix in the other ingredients til combined and set in a lined tin in the fridge. Wait til hard then turn out on a board and cut into squares.

Hubby says it has too many Cherries in it, but for me it is just right!

I finished my shorts sewing in case you were wondering.

I can smell the gingerbread cooling on the bench, the carols are playing on TV, the local fire trucks siren is wailing as they travel the streets giving out lollies and it is time for me to join in the festivities....so from my family to yours, we wish you a very


MIL said…
Thank you for a great Christmas, despite the sad beginning, Christmas eve and Christmas Day were so special.
Pity Santa had to sit on the Gingerbread House though.
Enjoy your winter wonderland.
Love to you all,
Breathe Gently said…
That white Christmas looks AMAZING! x

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