Art Journaling - The Wishing Tree

You know those people that can put together a whole heap of stuff and make it look like Art? Well I have a few on line friends of the Arty variety and they can do it with ease.

So why am I writing about Art  Journaling?

Well because they challenged me to do it.

You see Anna at TillyTom  had a pop-up sale on her Facebook page (sale still on!!) where Miss Dove was buying a lovely little Stationary bundle, and with my nicest manners I asked Hubby if I could have one to. Somehow, although I don't think it was my fault, Car ended up with one also.

Then apparently according to the 'rules' when 3 people have the same craft supplies a challenge to create something must begin.

So Saturday afternoon it is and low and behold I have completed the challenge on time.

One Art Journal page using only the crafty supplies from TillyTom + 1 other medium.
I chose a pile of scrap booking papers.

I had a great idea in the shower a few days ago and it has been grown and forming in my head ever since.
After editing my school reports for the final time this Semester, I cleared down the dinning table and set up my supplies.

Of course I needed to set  the boy up with something too otherwise I'd get nothing done!

We were graciously allowed scissor, tape, lead pencil and rubber for sketching and attaching the elements to the paper and so I began.....cautiously at first....

Pleased with the direction it was taking and surprisingly like the image I had in my head, I continued on. Except for the colour of the tree. I couldn't find any brown in the paper pile so I decided to go a little whimsy and chose a bright stripe instead.

I changed a few things around as I went. I'm not sure the purpose of the washi tape near the tree. The one along the bottom would have been enough. The green leaves weren't showing up on the green grass very well so I changed them out too....after they had already been glued down!

I give you 'The Wishing Tree'  My first completed Art Journal page.

Life is full of wishes and dreams some more important than others, some less important as time moves on and life moves forward. These are the things on my wishing tree at the moment.

And you can see down the bottom all the leaves from the wishing tree that I have already collected in my life and for them I am very grateful.

Every tree needs something to help it grow, even wishing trees.

I'm looking forward to creating my pages in my Art Journal, when ever the desire arises.


Car said…
That Car, she just cant say NO to a challenge!

I didnt see those instrucyption for the tree, absolutely brilliant advice!

Its awesome!
Unknown said…
I love it - absolutely perfect! May all your wishes and dreams come true.
Cee said…
Wow AJ that is beautiful, and so inspiring...XXOO

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