The ugly knitting needle holder!

I've been telling mum for ages how easy it would be to make a knitting needle holder, like a crayon roll, to keep all her needles in. She is not a big knitter but has been at it for over 30 years now and so has a collection of needles of all UK, US and metric measurements...with a few odd pairs in there too!

So she came down yesterday to play with Aden for the day...and bought all her knitting stuff and lots of (UGLY) sewing material too. And somehow I ended up sewing her the said holder while she knitted a hat for Aden and he played at out feet.

My Mum is not one to 'waste' anything so she found some ugly (and smelly from storage!) old men's shirting material that she had been given and a piece of plain homespun from my stash and I made this extra big, with lots of pockets, and the needle sizes sewn above each pocket.

Then she decided that the fold over flap wasn't big enough so we have to stash dive again to find something else to add to the top for a bigger fold over piece.

I'm really happy with the way it turned out and would have loved to make it in some much nicer fabrics....but this ugly one will sit in the bottom of Mum's knitting bag and serve its purpose very well.


~LilOlFrankie~ said…
The fabric wasn't that bad AJ lol I was thinking something fluro or floral lol
Becky said…
It isn't that bad, I was picturing worse somehow. Love that you put the sizes on it as a quick reference.
LittleWhiteDove said…
I don't think it's ugly at all! Does you machine do letters/numbers, or did you freehand?
That makes it look more classy.

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