Around the Block 2

I made this block for Becky ages ago

and half made this one....

Which was going to plan execpt that I had run out of white for the corner blocks...I was debating about sending it half finished and Becky didn't seem to mind when I asked her but it didn't seem right to be sending a half finished block.
Then the school hoildays arrived and I finally found time some time to sew so after re-reading Becky's instructions I saw that she wouldn't mind if we added some pink/green fabrics of our own so I found some pick and added the corner squares.

Looking good!

But then I laid it next to the other quilt block....uh oh...disaster!

Somehow my calculations are all out of whack... this is terrible..I'm so mad at myself!! So after wondering how the hell I'm going to fixed it and deciding that I can't...and with no fabric left to make another block I decided to make Possum a little pillow to go with her quilt when Becky gets all the blocks back. (it is a perfect size '14' Pillow insert from Spotlight)

I'm really sorry Becky and I hope this is OK with you and Possum as this was the best solution I could come up with.


Becky said…
You are a goose! It is lovely and will be perfect :) Given the second block was optional I think you have done much more than needed. Thank you :)
~LilOlFrankie~ said…
That's gorgeous AJ, i'm sure they will love it!!!

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