To border or not to border.....

it seems so I need to decide what to do....


Anonymous said…
Hello AJ, I would boarder, bluey-green colouring, same width as squares. Or thin redish-orange. Prefer blue-green. MIL
Helen said…
Oh AJ, I'm going to go the other way and say no boarder. I think it looks finished as is. :)
Unknown said…
I'm with you Helen.. I like it as it is. Maybe just the normal thin binding in the red. It looks fantastic by the way!
thehummingcat said…
Hello Helen's friend ;-)
Yep, leave itas is, it looks FANTASTIC!!!
Leah said…
That is amazing! I agree with the girls, just a thin binding would top it off nicely.
Anonymous said…
I was going to suggest a border, but after reading the idea of a small binding I think that is definatly the way to go :-)
I loooooooooooove this quilt! I'm not a huge fan of log cabins but this bright one is just gorgeous! I agree with the majority, no need for borders, it looks fab as is. Kelly :-)

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