Kick the Bucket

With the new year comes new challenges....and this year (with a little pushing from my online friends) I have decided to host another.

2012 saw us work on WIP's that we'd started, made plans to start, or bought fabric for and finish something.

2013 saw us focus on the fabric. Use what you had in your stash so that there was more going out than coming in and finish something.

So continuing the 'finish something' theme I'd like to introduce the 'Kick the Bucket' challenge for 2014

We all have that 'crafty' something that has been hanging around in the back of a cupboard or draw for years....right? Those projects that have been on your bucket list for aaaaaaages..... that's the one I'm talking about.

2014 is the year to pull it out, dust it off, work out what needs doing to get it finished and finish it!

I'm not restricting it to fabric this year. If you knit, crochet, cross-stitch, scrapbook, paint, do beading....anything that is started, half finished or almost done find it and get cracking!

My WIP shelf is exploding! Yes I know....a whole shelf.....

So here are the guidelines.
  • WIP's need to be at least 12 months old - ie you started them sometime in 2012 or before
  • WIP's are finished when they are being used - ie quilt on the bed (yes you can send them out to get quilted but only once they are back with binding on them and finished do they count), jumper being worn by the next child down cause it no longer fits the one is was being made for, cross stitch hanging on the wall etc
Not hard really and I'm not going to be checking so if you want to fudge the 'rules' a little. Who am I to judge! A finish is a finish right?!?

WIP's that are no longer your style can be dealt with in a number of ways
  • Give it to someone else who likes that style and wants to take it off your hands
  • Repurpose it into something else and still call it a finish
  • Make it into its intended product and give it away
  • throw it in the bin
Sorted, finished, being used or out of the house is the purpose of this challenge.

So who is with me??

Leave me a comment to let me know of your great plans for Kicking the Bucket with your WIP's

Come back and post a link to your finished project and there will be a little prize up for grabs in December. The oldest WIP finished and linked will also win a second little prize....and I promise it won't be one of my out-dated WIP's!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Huge special thanks to Miss Dove for her boot, bucket and pile of WIP's!
Oh and photography skills of course!


LittleWhiteDove said…
I'm in! I'll blog about it next week then come link up, I can think of at least four projects to get out the door this year!
Nell said…
I'm in (only because your 2012 WIP challenge actually made me do stuff!)
Count me in! I need this kick in the pants... I have several but two that really should be finished... It's been over 6 years!!
Keera @,au
Rebecca said…
I am in have some partly finished quilts !!!!
Kelly said…
I will play but I don't think I have any so old as 2013. So I won't be a winner for the oldest. hehe But I have some WIP's that I have sort of hidden from sight. This will be an easy linky. I don't want to waste anything!! thanks AJ
Car said…
I am IN! but that goes without saying right?

Will blog next week & link up!
Austysmum said…
I think I could definitely use a pugs like this!
Austysmum said…
Pugs? Push... It was meant to be PUSH!

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