Love my little man!

Aden: "Mummy we have to buy Harli some Princesses"
Mummy: "what are you talking about Aden"
Aden: "When we go to the shops we need to buy Harli some Princesses"
Mummy: "Oh you mean the yoghurt Princesses like your Lightening ones"
Aden: "Yeah, we need to get some so I can get it to Harli."
Mummy: "I'm not sure we can do that but it is a great idea. What a caring boy you are. How about we draw Harli some princess pictures instead.
Aden: "Okay Mummy"
Daddy: "Does he have to draw Princesses?"
Mummy: "Yes. Harli likes Princesses doesn't she Aden?"
Aden: Yep Harli is my best friend, she likes princesses."
Mummy: "Do you know what a princess looks like Aden?"
Aden: "Yes They look like Mummies. Like you Mummy!"
Mummy: "awww thanks buddy"
Daddy: "I've been teaching him good!"

Happy Mother's Day on Sunday to all the Mummy Princesses!

Although sometimes I think we all feel a bit like this....



Paula said…
That's got to be worth lots of brownie points for both of them!!!

Happy Mothers Day...
Anonymous said…
Ohhh !!!
Aden just beautiful, but Daddy ... what are you sucking up for?
Happy Mother's Day Amanda.
LittleWhiteDove said…
Awww, what a sweet little chap! Nice work claiming Aden's brownie points, daddy!
Helen said…
Awwww, Aden is too cute AJ! Happy Mothers Day for tomorrow. x
Unknown said…
Very sweet. J Boy coloured-in a Princess picture for Missy at school the other day. Except he left it in the cot for her to see when she woke up. She ate it. It wasn't a happy moment for her big brother.

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