Around the Block 2

It is probably bad manners to leave the organisers blocks til last, but it wasn't intentional. I had all the enveloped stacked up and just worked through the pile as I found an hour here or there.

(Sorry about the photo quailty - these were taken quickly this morning before posting as we were running late for swimming lessons!)

Sheridan's blocks are on their way home now. I had it in my head that I had til September to finish these blocks. I did! The 1st of September not the end as I had thought. So I'm posting them off 6 days late...but not too bad as I have finished all the blocks and am 6th (out of 11) to finish.

I have only received 5 of my blocks back so far....which is a little disappointing to see....maybe my block was too hard??
I liked the thought of trying something new in things like this and I'm sure I wouldn't have even attempted most of these blocks had I not done it in this bee.

They were all fun to make though and I like playing with all of the different fabric combos that the others decided to use.

I've Linked back to Quiltstory for Fabric Tuesday


rachelmp said…
They look great! I'm working on your block now and I had it in my head that it was September too.
Helen said…
These look great! I still have yours to sew!
Canadian Abroad said…
Love all those different blocks. Looks like a good bee!
Annabella said…
I love those Mondrian blocks...which blocks are yours? I hope you get them all back soon.
Bree said…
Those modern blocks look great!
Loulou said…
I really enjoyed making your block and didn't think it was very difficult - your instructions were great and really easy to follow. I think it looks much more difficult than it really is. I too enjoyed the variety and colour combinations that we all used - love seeing all of your together in the mosaic.

I am pretty sure you will receive all your completed blocks back, but if for any reason you don't I am happy to make an extra one for you.

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