
Showing posts from January, 2018

{One Little Word} Reach

I don't think I've ever done 'One Little Word' before but I'm looking for something to hang on to this year. Something that grounds me but keeps me moving forward at the same time. As the new year ticked over I found myself adrift, a little lost about who I am and where I want to be. Life around me was moving on but I didn't feel connected to it. I was cranky at Christmas and disgruntled with New Year. I put on my semi-happy face and got on with it but you can't always fake it. You have to live life, love life....not just exist in it. And I think that is what I have been doing. Existing but not living and it has been going on for a little while now....most of 2017 at least. So this morning when I woke up, just as I opened my eyes, this word jumped out at me. I have never had that happen before and that's when I knew that this One Little Word was for me. I mulled over it during the day as I ran errands and got on with doing things. It hung there ...