
This little boy's smile just lights up a room....well our lounge room at least.....Mummy and Daddy love to make him smile!

Aden is getting so expressive in his face...with big smiles and he even gives little squealing laughs now when you pretend to throw him up in the cute!


Cee said…
It so amazing!! He's starting to look like a real little "person"! He's really starting to get distinct features...especially those ears!!! :)
Kath said…
So gorgeous AJ!!
Helen said…
Awwwww, how cute is he! I agree with Cee, he's really starting to look like a real "person", YKWIM? :) I can see in some of these shots what he'll look like in a few years as a toddler. Damn cute!
That boy is getting cuter everyday! Such a great smile. Jenn
Anonymous said…
What absolutely adorable photos! What a cutie!

x J
Unknown said…
Oh, he's so cute! Love baby smiles :)
Lily Mulholland said…
You know he's totally gorgeous of course! He's going to be a funny little bugger with a wicked sense of humour by the looks of him! I love a baby that cackles!!!

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