Yep you read that right....It's all about the blog this month....and what a lovely month is'll see why in a few weeks ;) My Lovely DH comments....that's not is about drinking German just ruined that word!...As if, it only made it better!

I was number 249 to sign up on TinnieGirls blog here. So there is lots of bloggy goodness out there to discover!

Hows this for hand-made goodness.....

My little angel trying to eat his whole fist while lying on Helen's quilt...wearing a Lily outfit! I had a friend over this last week while he was wearing the matching shorts and she commented how cute he looked in home-made....she actually asked if I made them....I'm hoping to get to some Aden sewing real soon.


Car said…
Yay, happy your on board for blogtoberfest too :)

does that mean daily Aden photos to cluck over or can we expect some quilting thrown in too? Either way looking forward to it :)
Lily Mulholland said…
I love that quilt. And Aden looks so handsome on it - and in his onesie :)

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