Rhyme time...

Aden went to his first 'organised' class today...Baby Rhyme Time at the local Library.

He loved it!

It was a lovely 40 minutes of clapping rhymes and songs with a actions...Aden fell asleep for the last 2 songs but I was amazed at how interested and active he was in the class...giggling and smiling at the clapping after each song, letting me move around his arms and feet to the actions and staring at all the other babies.
There were 12 kids with their parents, including 2 dads which I was impressed with, and yes they both sang along with the songs, as well as 1 Grandma and Mum combo...so cute, Grandma was so proud of her first Grand-daughter!

It is all about language development and bonding with your baby...Aden was the youngest baby there and then when I read the free books and DVD we got, I worked out why...turns out the classes are for 4 month to 20 month babies...opps! The leader didn't seem to mind so we'll be going back!

It brought back some lovely memories of songs and rhymes I had forgotten! There were some new ones too...must get that baby brain working to remember the words for next week!

I always remember my Great-Grandmother (Gran) singing me a song about 'Mr Baggy Britches...and it finished with 'I Love You'....anyone else know the song..?? I'd love to get all the words for it.


Louise said…

At the top right of the page are arrows so you can look at the whole document, all the words and music are there :)

It's the inner librarian in me coming out LOL

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